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Re: [DL] Weird West fiction suggestion

Dan Davenport wrote:
> I have another suggestion: _The Six Messiahs_, by Mark Frost. You'd have
> to read _The List of 7_ first, which takes place entirely in Europe, but
> that's okay -- it's the superior of the two, IMHO.
> As far as _Messiahs_ goes, you have Sir Arthur Conan Doyle; Jack Sparks,
> a swashbuckling, gadget-using spy who is the inspiration for Sherlock
> Holmes (in the story context, anyway); a Western badass who rode with
> Wyatt Earp; a British actress; a beautiful Indian shaman (I forget which
> tribe); a Shinto priest/swordsman; and an evil preacher with a Satanic
> plot, all converging in the Old West.

I almost forgot: there is also a Rabbi who is (IIRC) well-versed in the

Dan Davenport

"Beware the inveterate punster, Doyle, it's a sure sign of brewing
mental disturbance." -- Jack Sparks (to Arthur Conan Doyle), _The List
of 7_