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Re: [DL] Deadlands Product Line Question

In a message dated 11/22/2000 6:31:20 PM Eastern Standard Time,
jburneko@yahoo.com writes:

I went to the deadlands website and saw that the next
release in the series has been canceled! :(  Does
anyone know if that means the whole cardstock product
line has been canceled and I should snatch up as many
of the ones they did make before they're all gone or
is only that particular one been canceled?


Yeah, we're pretty much done with them now. Most everything important is out.
The Combine and Doomtown will still likely see the light of day--they're done
and at the printer but haven't been printed yet.

Eat some turkey. I'm gorging on my personal favorite--turkey, mayo, and
velveeta sandwiches. Hmmmm. Gotta keep up the "game designer girth" or they
boot me outta the club. ;)
