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Re: [DL] The sad loss of the Cardstock Cowboys and a question.

> In this particular case, I can safely say that I'll never give 'em a dime
> for miniatures (not worht it to me), but had begun to shell out for the
> Cardstocks.  $40-odd (Canadian) so far, with what, four or five times that
> on the horizon if each set proved as useful?

Well, I love minatures and will buy any new ones that come out (I've
already got several duplicates of all the old miniatures).  For me,
cardstock comes in a distant second, but I still bought/will buy all of
them.  In fact, I buy all the Deadlands stuff, but have spent $0-odd
(Canadian and U.S.) in the last 3 (4?) months, cause there hasn't been
anything.  I'm not really angry, as there is a lot of good stuff out,
but I am disappointed in what's happened since cybergames.com took over.
