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Re: [[DL] Dealing With Wind]

 >To make sure that the players run out of chips faster than
 >I do, I whittle down their stacks with mooks.  (Note: NEVER
 >spend chips on mooks)

One exception - if you can guarantee a successful hit by a mook, the chip 
you spend will likely cost the player two or three.  :-)

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/

Ecology is the science of everything. Nobody knows everything. Nobody even 
knows everything about any one thing. And most of us don't know much. Say 
it's ten-thirty on a Saturday night. Where are your teenage children? I 
didn't ask where they said they were going. Where are they really? What are 
they doing? Who are they with? Have you met the other kids' families? And 
what is tonight's pot smoking, wine-cooler drinking, and sex in the 
backseats of cars going to mean in a hundred years? Now extend these 
questions to the entire solar system.
                 -P.J. O'Rourke