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RE: [DL] [off toppic] Hi There

Thirty once -- could've been 35!!  The posse had found an old crate of
sweaty sticks (which they didn't even really count), and one PC decided to
place it up against the outside of the sheriff's office/jail.  He hates
lawmen, and planned on blowing up the jail on the way out of town.  But he
was saving that for later, in case the TNT was needed for something else.

Something else happened -- several Mojave Rattlers!  Right in the middle of
town too.  Things like "How far is the Rattler from the jail?" and "I run 50
yards past the general store." and "Demolitions skill?" and "I shoot the
crate of dynamite." get said, and Boom!  The first Rattler was very dead
(and bits of him were raining down all over), the second Rattler was very
injured, the third took a wound or two, the town was gone, the posse was
mostly down (winded, wounded, and unconscious, but not dead), when one of
the characters that had run out of chips found out that carrying a keg of
black powder on your person can be dangerous.  I had him roll for each wound
he took to the guts to see if the keg was hit (it was in a backpack).  It
got hit twice, and was going to explode as well.  That would've been another
5 sticks worth of explosion.  Luckily for the posse, the groups' last two
red chips were spent by another player, letting the PC with the powder avoid
the two wounds that would've ended it all.

I really don't want them dead, honest!  But they keep doing stuff like this.
Either with actual TNT, or by shooting the tanks of flame throwers, or
tossing nitro into the firebox of locomotives (the boilers on a train are
_very_ dangerous when they burst).  In another six sessions or so I'm going
to start a yarn that could end up with the posse in Hell On Earth.  I giggle
to think what they might try with plastic explosives, or just grenades...

I've only killed maybe four characters in the years we've been playing,
where I've planned and executed the attack, and gotten the kill.  But easily
a dozen more have kicked the bucket because of posse actions (I've been out
of chips, with 3 wounds to the head and guts of my fear monger, trying to
plan a retreat, when the posse goes and blows something up, killing every
thing except one character or two). I find it amusing, as do the players,
but I am curious sometimes about what kind of PC death rate other marshals

Jeff Y.
Marshal for the Dynamite Gang -- their own worst enemy

> -----Original Message-----
> --- Jeff Yates <jyates@poboxes.com> wrote:
> > Jeff Y.
> > Marshal for the Dynamite Gang
> Hey Jeff, I've got a question for you.  What's the
> Dynamite Gang's record for most sticks used at a time?
>  This question can up last session when we used 26
> sticks to blow a crack to hell closed, so I was
> curious.  Thanks!
> Marguerite of EMGB, otherwise known as Maggie Jensen