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Re: [DL] Los Diablos

>I can't remember if I asked this before, and despite the fact it's probably 
>dumb question, do the los diablos in Deadlands derive anything from that
>Vaughn Monroe song, "Ghostriders in the Sky"?

This of course all depends on how much you read into folklore and mythology. 
  The song itself is not that old.  Bearing no cultural past or open 
interpetation that some myths have being much older.  It doesn't appear in 
any of the books of western or american myth that I have and it really isn't 
a very long song.

Deadlands itself as well as HOE and most likly lost colony all borrow from 
modern american movies, books and ideas along with much of the clasical 
western mythos and tradition of american storytelling.

So if anything the idea of the steel hooved, shiny black horned, red eyed 
fire breathing cows does bear a very strong resembleance.  So i'd have to 
say yes...the devils own herd and the Los Diablos do kinda show up in the 

Ron C
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