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Re: [DL] A Clockwork Orange

Check the movie out after you are done with the book.  It is just as strong 
of an impact - Stanley Kubrick near his best.  At the very least you'll 
understand what some of us old time delinquents mean when we talk about 
"pulling a clockwork orange" on someone.

I wouldn't make Alex and his droogs abominations right away - use them to 
demonstrate the path to darkness.  As time goes on some of them end up 
coming to the attention of the Reckoners.  Start them off with the whole 
crew tangling with the posse.
Think of the story when a few months later one of 'em - Alex lets say - 
comes running to the posse because his ole' droogs has turned on 'em.

Oh - and could you turn off HTML formatting?

At 11:19 PM 1/12/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>     I'm in the middle of reading the book "A Clockwork Orange" By Anthony 
> Burgess (I know there is a movie but I'm more of a reader :) and it gave 
> me an idea for a Deadlands character, actually, characters. They would be 
> a group of youngsters who walk around at night terrorizing the populous. 
> Robbery, rape, out and out violence you name it. They could possibly be 
> an abomination (kind of like the Hockey kids in Dogma) sent by the 
> Reckoners to cause fear in the streets of the city they plague. They 
> would, most likely, work best in a mid to large sized city but could 
> probably be adapted for small towns to. Let me know what you think.
>Dave Panseri
>"You look like death," Gloria observed. "Been burning the temple candle at 
>both ends again?"
>"Piss off," said the Dalai Lama, "I'm meditating."

Allan Seyberth
Deadlands fan site - http://www.darious.com/

People with a mission to save the earth want the earth to seem worse than 
it is so their mission will look more important.
                 -P.J. O'Rourke