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[DL] Mad Scientists

I need some perspective and I am hoping that you folks on the list can help
me.  I have long been opposed to having a Mad Scientist in games which I
Marshal.  I have been concerned with two specific problems.

1.  Designs often take a great deal of game time ( at least from the kinds of
devices I am used to seeing). I want PC's to be in the game not being in a
lab all the time, travelling or not.  

2.  I get the feeling that MS's go nutty pretty quickly unles PC's spend
Bounty to pay of the insanities.  I realize that the marshal can keep that in
check to some extent by the types of dementia that are handed out but at some
point these players are likely to become unplayable.

A guy with a lot of money and umpteen gizmos, crazy or not does not a MS
make.  Therefore here are my questions.  

How do you balance invention time with adventure time?  

What are some ways to keep the MS character playable but yet still not quite

I want to play an MS and give it a real chance after having a discussion
about my concerns with a fellow Marshal.  I would appreciate your
suggestions.  I am trying to keep an open mind.  Please enlighten me asbout
these problems.

