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[DL] More questions

 Okey dokey...

 First off, people seem to keep ending up in close combat whilst wielding
 firearms.  Now it should be harder to hit somebody who's swatting your gun
 away, and also gun-fu is cool, and since my copy of Law Dogs still hasn't
 arrived (Amazon's problem, not Pinnacle's) I'm just wondering if there's
 any special rules for such situations in there or not.

 The ones I'm using at the moment, for those who care, is that you can fire
 a gun using your Shootin' skill whilst in hand-to-hand, but you have to add
 your opponent's skill in their appropriate Fightin' specialisation to your
 target number, just as if you were fighting "fair".  However, you don't have
 to worry about their defensive bonus, because you're not trying to make
 contact with them.  Using a rifle or shotgun gives you a -2 on your roll
 (or should that be a +2 to the target number?  Whaddaya think?), and using
 a scattergun modifies it by only 1.  Pistols give no modifiers.  If you hit,
 add 2 to the result of the hit location roll, coz you're in hand-to-hand.

 And secondly, should you include injury modifiers when rolling to heal?  I
 would assume not, but that brought up the question of my posse's martial
 artist wondering if he can ignore modifiers when powering up his Blood of
 Gold.  I say that this does include negatives, because he needs to
 concentrate to get the power going, but that normal Vigour checks don't
 include the negatives.


       | This is pointless and will only promote in-jokes and cliquism.|

Sillicon: 6th, 7th and 8th of April 2001.