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RE: [DL] general ramblings (spoilers)

-----Original Message-----
It has come to the attention of myself and my posse that the process for
building gizmos (mad scientists stuff) seems a little flawed. I'm referring
to the construction of the blueprint. It seems that the direct relation
between the role for the reliability of the design and the cards you draw
to make the hand means that all DIFFICULT gizmos that you create
(submersible, etc etc ) will have a high reliability because of the amount
of extra cards needed to make the hand. Conversely, all easy gizmos (such
as a scope) will be more likely to have something wierd occur to them (by
drawing a joker) due to large number of cards drawn because a high
reliability is desired.
[Examples snipped]

I'm not sure which edition you are using but the language of the 2nd edition

"If you are successful, draw 5 cards from your Action Deck plus 1 for every
raise.  The scientist may take one free card for each _science_ Aptitude she
has at level 5 or greater.  She doesn't have to take these extra cards if
she doesn't wish to.

This is my reading: You must draw 5 cards.  To use your example of the
scope, if you draw 2 Jacks (or better) in 5 cards, you can stay and not draw
the extra cards from raises or science aptitudes.

As such, the chance of a Mad Scientist developing a reliable scope are
pretty good once she gets some experience under her belt -- especially once
she gets her hands on a portable lab.  (+3 to the roll).  Just keep drawing
until you get what you need and stop.

Now if you want to play the part of the Manitou, tell your player that you
will have the gizmo be improved if he gets higher hands.

Jacks: Normal scope (x2 sights)
2 Pair: Better magnification (x4 Sights)
3 of a Kind: (x8 Sights)
Straight: Low-Light (Owl Eye Sights x3) Scope
Flush: Low Light Scope (x6 magnification)
Full House IR/Heat Imaging Scope
Four of a Kind: X-Ray scope (see through walls and, if the gun is powerful
enough, shoot through them to hit the target).
Straight Flush: "Laser Designator" Scope (Invisible, of course...unless
there is a malfunction)
Royal Flush: "Laser Targeting" scope (Smart-Bullet)

Once the player has the jacks, point out that he *could* get a more powerful
scope with a second pair.  Three of a kind, of course, would be even better.
Once they look like they are going to go for it, tell them that there are a
lot of cards in the deck and just the two jokers....

Manitou like nothing more than fear.
