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Re: [DL] Future Release List

At 03:03 AM 2/15/2001, you wrote:
>After writing my last post to the list, I thought again, and figured it would
>just be a good idea to ask about a list of planned products
>Not necessarily a definate list, with dates, etc.  Just a general idea of
>what is definately on the burner, so we know what has been cancelled, or
>new-thoughts, etc.
AFAIK, Unholy Alliance: The Black Circle (a yummy mainly Marshal book) Dead 
Presidents (an adventure) , Deadlands D20 and Rain o' Terror (an adventure 
previously released on pdf) are all coming out for sure.

Back in the good ol days, a few book ideas were thrown around, namely Great 
Weird North (a Canada book) and an unnamed Texas Rangers book, but whether 
those see the light of day remains unclear.