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RE: [DL] Howdy and a question

Firstly, welcome.

Secondly, I have a CD copy of Rain O'Terror and it's quite impressive.
Definitely one of the better Deadlands adventures, although unfortunately
it'll be a little while before my posse catch up to the present Deadlands
timeframe so that I can run it.

>  >I have a question for the readership: how many of you play
> the "orthodox"
>  >Deadlands campaign? In other words, do many of you stick to the
>  >meta-plot and the advancing timeline, or do you create your
> own Weird
>  >West and just slot in the bits from the product that fit
> your vision?
> Mostly the latter - the game and setting is 100% mine.  But
> that being
> said, I usually restrict my changes so that the official
> timeline is fully
> useable.


Yep, I'm the same.  What I run generally is my own slant on the Weird West,
however like Allan I tend to steer clear of anything that messes with the
meta plot.  Whether or not I include parts of the meta plot in with what I
am running depends on how it is written.

One of the problems I've found with meta plots is that they are often
heavily dependent on interactions between high level NPC's and this can
often leave players a bit surplus to requirements.  The other problem is how
you get a posse of often bumbling incompetents** to influence the game world
without becoming major level players at the same time.  Somewhere though
there is a happy medium.


** No matter the game, our characters generally end up with the following:
make a plan, follow plan, throw plan out of window, open fire, run for your
life.  It's almost as if we all want to get in a fight :)