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Re: [DL] Origins of Gomorra [spoilers]

>>Was it just some wandering prospector in the middle of nowhere who struck
>> it big, or was there a town there beforehand?

Doomtown or Bust! tells the story, but, to encapsulate:

Humphrey Walters was a prospector. He got close to a thin bit between the 
Hunting Grounds and the Real World. There was an old (and more than averagely 
powerful) manitou in that spot called Knicknevin.

Knicknevin envied the power the Reckoners had, and so he hatched a plan to 
make a small realm for himself. It was a no-lose situation for him. If he 
didn't manage to do it, they'd never know, if he did do it and they never 
found out, he'd be a God (albeit of a very small realm) and if he did do it 
and they DID find out, he'd claim he was doing it in their name.

He sent one of his minions (a werewolf called Kansas City Kara) to capture 
Humphrey and infect him with lycanthropy. He then spent a bit of time 
torturing him, and driving him loco...pretty much telling him exactly what 
his plan was going to be and that he [Humphrey] was going to be the reason it 
all happened.

Then, to bring enough people (pronounced "sacrificial lambs") to one spot, he 
created "the largest vein of ghost rock hithertofore discovered." Humphrey, 
being a prospector (albeit at this time an insane one) put a claim on the 
land. People started to get interested, because some of his ravings talked 
about this huge vein, and THEY went to nearby spots in the Maze to dig.

And not one of them didn't find any. Every dig was a success.

Like most mining areas, particularly really successful ones, a town started 
up...one filled with people who didn't want to be out in the Maze digging, 
but would rather serve drinks, cut hair, pull teeth, bury folks, etc.

This has been a public service message from the Gamorra Historical Society.

--Jacques (Chris' friend)