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RE: [DL] Spiritualists - Spoiler?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]On
> Behalf Of Bryce

> Hmm... I always thought Sam Hellman was the Devil.  No, really, check
> it out:  his name is "Hellman" and he starts his manuscript with the
> phrase "Please allow me to introduce myself" the opening lyric of The
> Rolling Stones' "Sympathy for the Devil."  Or maybe I'm just making a
> couple connections that aren't really intended.
> -Bryce "Satan's a Yankee!"

Hey!  Works for me!  It's a great confuser for the PCs...somehow, they get
access to the Posse section of TGM.  They meet him, and like him, but make
him ...imposing...and make him get stuff done easily, when he wants to.

Then, have some crackpot Agency agent, riding on the ragged edge of sanity,
tell the players a "secret", such as above, and then kill him, in unussual
circumstances (like there are "usual"?).  Let them wonder...and don't decide
for yourself, until you see how they're going to play it out, for a

MSMessenger Darkechilde13@hotmail.com