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Re: [DL] Guts wounds and Wind

--- Ivan E <ivan_gaming@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hey all, just tapping the hive-mind:
> If a person takes 4 Guts Wounds, and they cause
> enough
> Wind to to cause another Guts Wound, does he die; or
> does one's Wind only drop to 0 and then start
> dropping
> due to bleeding? One of my players asked (it was a
> villain that got dropped, but he’s a fair-minded
> player) and I told him I’d look into it.

You don't have blood loss until you hit negative wind,
and you only take extra wounds from negative wind.  As
long as your wind is positive, you won't suffer wounds
from wind damage.  Now if enough wind damage was done
to drop their wind below zero, and then negatively
enough to be sufficient to cause an extra wound beyond
the four collected .... hmmm.  Thought you still
needed to lose at least one point by bleeding damage
... but for the most part he's toast.  Why, is the
party trying to save the villian?


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