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Re: [DL] Gencon

At 09:45 PM 6/7/2001 EDT, MikeEdwR@aol.com wrote:
>I admit I have not been paying attention. 
>When exactly is Gencon? 

	Crack for gaming addicts.:-)

	Seriously, it's the biggest gaming convention in the universe, held every
August in lovely Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Every game company worthy of the
name is there, selling their latest and hottest wares--a lot of them
available for the first time anywhere.
	There are demos of games new and old, chances to meet their creators, as
well as other "genre celebrities", such as Steve Long's good friend Jeri
	Plus, there are things that you only see at GenCon--like the time PEG had
a live execution at their booth. (Hey, anything to move those splatbooks!:-) )

	Best of all for PEG fans, there's the annual PEG Listserver Dinner, where
you can hang with all the too-cool-for-school folk who post on the various
lists. This includes the PEG Creatives: Shane, Hopler, Goff, Hal Mangold,
Steve Long, and yes, even me.

	Much as Muslim must go to Mecca, you owe yourself at least one pilgrimage
to GenCon if you're a gamer.

Deo Vindice,
Christopher McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Freelance Writer for the Deadlands: The Weird West and DC Universe RPG Lines 
Southern by the Grace of God