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[DL] RE: HoE: The Siege of Whistler [Shane, Lee]

    Sorry for cross posting to three lists but since related questions have
come up on all three I thought I would kill three birds with one stone. I'm
the guy that wrote and ran Siege of Whistler at Origins and I'll be doing
the same at GenCon. I'm very pleased that everyone had such a good time with
the game...I had a lot of fun running it. Every group that plays seems to
come up with a new angle which is one thing that makes the game interesting
for me. 
      Anyway, after GenCon I would be happy to clean up the adventure for
public use and convert it all to HTML. If the folks at PEG are interested in
posting it on the official web site I would be happy to submit it for their
consideration (Shane, Lee?).  Of course as busy as they are this year
posting new adventures may not be on the top of their list of things to do:)
At the very least I would be willing to post the adventure on my web site at
    With regard to getting into one of the games at GenCon if you haven't
preregistered you can register for the game on site. IIRC the game is sloted
for a maximum of 8 players. However, if the game is full and you really want
to play come to the table with two generic tickets. Sometimes folks who have
signed up don't show up leaving an empty spot. In addition I will usually
squeeze in a couple of extra players if there is space at the table on a
first come first served basis. Finally, there were some screw ups in the
Origins preregistration book with regard to the time of the demos. I think
the confusion over times contributed to the small (one player) turnout at
the 10:00 session of the game. At GenCon I'll be running sessions of HoE
from 6:00-10:00pm Friday and 10:00am-2:00pm on Saturday. This time I will
stick to the 4 hour time slot even if I have to kill off the whole party!!
Errr...Ahem...did I say that with my outside voice?   Thanks for the
interest. I hope to see many of you at GenCon.



Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 18:32:08 -0700 (PDT) 
From: iamrebis@excite.com 
Subject: [HOE] HoE: The Siege of Whistler 

    Is it at least POSSIBLE that this adventure will turn up on someone's 
  website after the con?  

    There's not too many HoE adventures to pick from out here... 

    Just hopin', I guess. 

    - Ouroboros