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Re: [DL] scart table/phobias

> In a message dated 10/21/01 5:22:42 PM US Mountain
> Standard Time, 
> shoffner@usit.net writes:
> > Well, actually no, they are not like the Loco
> hindrance.  As I recall (I
> >  don't have my book handy), the character
> receiving one of these phobias is
> >  allowed to roll his/her Spirit check v. some TN
> level per week or playing
> >  session; if he succeeds, he loses the phobia, if
> he doesn't then he keeps 
> it
> >  for the next adventure.  If he goes bust, THEN he
> gets the phobia as a Loco
> >  hindrance.

This sounds like a house rule, the Marshal's Handbook
simply states (on the Scart Table) that the character
"gains" a minor phobia and in higher rolls a major
phobia, in every instance the book says to treat it
like a Loco hindrance. The text leaves it open to how
many points the hindrance would be worth for the
purposes of buying it off with bounty. 
There is a Blassed miracle that will cure "dementias"
called Solace (page 57 of Fire & Brimstone). The Speed
of this miracle is 1 week. Whether this means that the
Blessed must spend a week in prayer with the
"afflicted" or just that it takes a week for the
miracle to work is up to the Marshal (in our gaming
group we have to wait a week to see if the results are
succesful before we can try again).

hope this helps

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