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Re: odd concentrations (was: [DL] Rules Tinkerin': Fate Chips)

--- Nick Zachariasen <zacharin@pluto.dsu.edu> wrote:
> > including Meatball Surgery and Professional:
> Triage.  This allowed the
> "Meatball Surgery"?  Could you explain this one?  It
> sounds like somethign
> I'd think up.

It's from MASH if I remember correctly, Basically
doing what you can to stabilise the patient enough to
either transfer them or delay the need for further
surgery. When you've got 20 critical patients waiting
to be seen you don't have time to do your best work on
the first one.

Hence "meatball surgery" where it's fast, messy,
practical and that's about it.

For example: You'd pull out the bullets, stop the
bleeding as best as you're able, then sew them up.
Someone else later on would do the finer
reconstructive work.

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