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[DL] The purpose of the new newsgroup

(From the Deadlands newsgroup):

"Markus Finster" <malaclypse@netway.at> wrote:

> First Post!

"You can take the washer and dryer where the lovely Smithers is standing, or
you can trade it all in for What's In This Box!" -Monty Burns

> So, now we have a deadlands NG. Do we need it?
> (Seeing how well the Listserv is working...)

I think we do. While I love the listserv, I find that not a great deal of
actual nitty-gritty Deadlands stuff gets bounced around. You know, house
rules, adventures, etc.

I think the two can co-exist reasonably well. We can use the listserv for
what it's being used for now, while the newsgroup can be used for posting
adventures and the like, in a place where message bandwith really isn't an
issue like it is with the listserv.

The upside to newsgroups vs. listservs is that you can just download the
headers if you want and if an adventure or something grabs your attention,
you can download the whole thing, whereas if someone posts an attachment to
the listserv, everyone gets it whether they like it or not.
