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Re: [DL] To Whom It May Concern (OT)

We're joking on wrestling terms... A smark is short for "smart mark" - a 
mark is a wrestling fan who believes what he sees generally (IE-that 
Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are REALLY married, which is totally 
false.) This comes from old carnival terms, marks are the people who 
game operators, ride operators and barkers want to get into their 
attractions. A smark is a mark with some knowledge - for example, maybe 
you know Rock's real name is Dwayne Johnson, or that Cactus Jack fought 
in ECW before coming to the WWF as Mankind. It's not considered a 
kindness. :-)

(Of course, these are my definitions, some people disagree with me. To 
me, smark is not a compliment, other people think it means you are not a 
mark, but not a wrestling geek, so it's not so bad. But it's arguable.)

I come from a family of wrestlers (my uncle is Stan "the Man" Hansen), 
so I classify myself as an insider. But thats just me. :-)


On Saturday, November 17, 2001, at 05:08  PM, Scott Hinkley wrote:

> What's a smark?
           /    *| Plattsburgh, NY - College
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