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Re: [DL] Another Rangers Question...

Hello again, Mr. Maybray!

At 02:39 AM 12/1/2001, Matt Maybray wrote:
>For Mr. McGlothlin. Are you going to be addressing the Rangers stationed 
>in Gomorra & Ghost Creek? And, if so, who's in charge? Is it still Katie 
>Karl or is it that General Patterson guy? (I don't remember his exact name 
>& title)

         In the first draft of Lone Stars, Gomorra and its Rangers get a 
brief mention, and Katie is still in charge there. It will remain so unless 
Shane asks for "MORE DOOMTOWN!" in the revisions.
         My main focus at this stage is to fill the book with as little 
area-specific stuff as possible, so that if your Rangers are in Richmond or 
Roswell, you'll find some useful stuff for them.
         I hope this answers your question...it's 4:10am, I'm getting 
sleepy, and the evil monkey in the closet is looking at me again....

         (Thanks for the question, good sir!)

Deo Vindice,
Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Freelance Writer for the Deadlands: The Weird West RPG Line
Moderator of the New Gamers Order Listserver
Southern by the Grace of God