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[DL] Another question needing a ruling!

    Hi, All! Hate to be a pain with the questions but, since I'm back in
the Mashalin' business after a too-long break, things are likely going
to come up!!!
    On page 125 of the Player's book, the rules for duelling are
discussed. It says, "A shootist who used all his cards for tests of
wills can still return fire (he can't go for his gun first unless he's
broken), but he takes a -4 penalty to his quick draw roll."
    My player (the character is a gunslinger) took Veteran O' the Weird
West and I'm using the expanded table of Horace Black's. I drew an Ace
of Clubs for him so he has blackouts. This means, "When you draw the
Black Joker for initiative, you lose all cards, including any sleeved
    SO the question is...since the shootist who is without cards due to
tests of wills can return fire at the -4 penalty, could this also apply
to his character when he draws the Black Joker and has a blackout? My
gut feeling is that it would not since tests of wills were not involved,
but I'm anal and I like to make the "right" ruling whenever possible!!!
That's where you fine folks come in!!!   :)
    As always, thanks for your help! My player is quite curious about
this. If he would blackout during a duel and not be able to shoot at
all, he's going to be pretty cautious about pickin' fights.........!
