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Re: [DL] I have an announcement.

> Heyoka, according to Ghost Dancers anyways. A heyoka wasn't a stable
> ever-present fixture in a tribe, more of a role reserved for ceremonial
> purposes. Not all tribes had them, according to my research the heyoka was
> phenomenon limited to the great plains. They would act in peculiar ways,
> sometimes dressing in woman's clothes usually to comedic effect. A similar
> practice we saw in the samurai eras of Japan.

No, I'm not talking about Heyokas- they're something different, I believe.
I know that wasn't the word for it.

> The only problem with this is not all homosexuals act like Scott
> Buddy character from the Kids in the Hall. Some are, as my gay friends
> to it, dead butch and you'd never know they were gay by talking with them.

That's why I thought there should be two levels- the -5 for Buddy or
Christopher Lowell and -3 for those who are gay but either hide it well or
just aren't that obvious about it to begin with.  The -3 would represent
people who "just don't seem right", so to speak.

Oh- I checked on that word the indians had in their traditional (not modern)
beliefs and the word for gay people is "wikte" (our ODS coordinator thinks
that's how it's spelled).

Nick Zachariasen
Editor Emeritus
Trojan Times