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Re: [DL] AGH! Sorry! -- d20: The Ignored

In a message dated 1/24/2002 7:09:22 AM Eastern Standard Time, gathomas4@juno.com writes:

Putting [shane] in the subject line doesn't seem to matter either.

So if you play Deadlands d20, good for you and Welcome to the Deadlands
Red-Haired-Step-Child Club!

As for the MS question, i'd use the less generous method from the
Deadlands book, Mad Scientists have plenty of skill points to use and it
just makes sense.  As for shamans, use charisma.  To me it just fits
better.  That's just my opinion though, as i said, no official word on
anything Deadlands d20 has been seen on this list in the last 3 months or

Or maybe I'm just waiting on answers from those who actually wrote the books before I answer. . .
