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RE: [DL] Speed In Hand to Hand Combat / ROF

--- coyote <coyote@net-link.net> wrote:
> If I got that right, than in the revised rules the
> Speed of the guns don't
> come into account any more - instead the RoF counts.
> Then how about melee combat? Could an Indian Brave
> with his Tomahawk strike twice per action? 

one attack per action, you can make two even if you
aren't two-fisted, you'll just suffer more penalties
to the attack rolls
without the use of magic or something to speed up your
hand-to-hand attacks, you can only make one per action

> Speed's more or less lost in the wake of 2nd
> edition. Now, you get one
> attack per card/action. Two-fisted allows an
> additional action.

are you referring to hand-to-hand or shooting
page 77, under Firearms 'ROF, or "rate of fire," is
the number of times the gun may fire each action'

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