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RE: Re: [DL] Double Rifle?

Actually Kilgore you are thinking of the Puckle gun, which was invented in 1717.  It was the rotating breech firearm designed to kill heathens with a square projectile and a round ball for the true believers.  The Whitworth rifles used a hexagonal bolt matched to a hexagonal bore.  They were perhaps the most accurate muzzel loading firearm ever made.  So much so that the legend is that when Whitworth submitted his rifle for British service it was rejected because the artillerists refused to allow the average infantryman to have a weapon which could beat the range of their cannons.  Thats the legend, the fact was that though accurate, the Whitworth was slow to load for maximum accuracy.

As a side note the Whitworth long arm was .451 inch calibre but artillery was made with the Whitworth system in 1, 3, 6, & 12 pounder size.

Though I guess if you really want a small arm which will kill a character DEAD, use a Nock Volly Gun. 7 barrels of size .46 inch caliber which fired all at once.

kevin jameson

>Ive done some research about guns for school, and Ive read something about 
>these types of guns.  The ones I read about werent sniper rifles per se.  
>They were field pieces, say gatling sized, with one barrel and several 
>rotating chambers.  They came with both regular barrels for round cartriges, 
>and barrels for square or hex charges, "for use against the infidel" was the 
>add campain.  In my (admittedly humble) opinion, you would only run into 
>these things if you were in a british controlled part of the world, IE 
>Africa or India, or the Suez area.  If you do happen to run into them, I 
>would give them damage about in the middle between cannons and big rifles, 
>and make then ROF 1 and speed 1 or 2, with 6-8 shots.  And they would take 
>an ungodly time to reload.
>Mad Doktor Kilgore
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