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AW: [DL] Hope Mongers

> 1)Hope mongers as a posse.
> 2)Hope levels
> 1)I had been thinking on a charater concept in which 
> a pinkerton agent chooses to not join the agency 
> during the switch over. The charater knows about a 
> lot of whats going on, haveing been a administrator 
> who reviewed files instead of a field agent. The 
> charater finds out about liveing legends and relics 
> and decides the best way to fight the good fight is 
> to make some of these of his own. 

> By these methods it could be possible to create some 
> or more of the following effects: A liveing lengends 
> independent of the posse. A liveing lengend 
> incarnated as a charater. A relic gun, mask or even a 
> relic name (everybody knows the Cisco kid can't die 
> by a bullet)that can be passed from one charater to 
> the next.

Zorro came to my mind when I read that...
I guess, it could be done, but it would take a looooong time to actually work. But still, It sounds like a nice idea.
> 2)What if the Fear level table could go into 
> negatives and start climbing up a Hope level chart.

I'd say no to that. As I see Deadlands, the Heroes fight a war against a much more powerful foe. A Hope-Level would (could) balance the scales too much.
Additionally, hope is easier crushed than fear.
Imagine a Hopeful Community, and the Abomination of the Day appears and goes on a little rampage. The arising panic would raise the Fear Level faster than you could say Scream If You Know What I Did Last Summer. ;-)

My two cents.