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Re: [DL] Opinion on the Bless'd

> One of my players was discussing Deadlands characters w/ me - and he
> believes that ALL preachers/holy people, of  any faith, are Blessed (as in
> Arcane Bkgnd: Blessed) and have all the rights/responsibilities as related
> to that. I disagree. I believe you can have a right holy preacher or other
> good standing leader of a religious group w/o being blessed. Being blessed
> is a special gift from the God/dess/es of your choice. In my opinion,
> are NOT tons of AB characters running about (my opinion is there's no more
> then 1500 Harrowed, 800 or so Blessed, 2000 Hucksters, 1000 Mad Scientists
> and some 1300 shamans in all of North America), and having every preacher
> who's in good standing be Blessed is unbalanced. So what do you all think?

If I remember correctly, according to Fire and Brimstone, you are correct.
This isn't D&D - not all holy people are spellcasters. In fact, so few are,
most people haven't even heard of such things.

Marshal Ole I. Stene
oleingva@ifi.ntnu.no - ICQ 67957926

      -Quiduid Latin Dictum Sit Altum Vidtur-