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Re: d20 Initiative (was [DL] Re: [WW] Re: Systems [Veering OT])

> You just had to mention one of my major problems with d20.  Initiative!
> The refocus (the word you were looking for) action is a crock.  Improved
> Initiative feat is nearly (I said nearly) worthless.  Listen carefully and I
> will explain.

Agreed, and agreed.

Though what we have noticed with Improved Initiative is that it has become 
so ubiquitious with monsters that is that it has become the new baseline 
for the initiative system.

Those players who actually have the feat themselves, are now only on par 
with most monsters.

The next thing problem we are thinking of tackling with the D20 mechanics 
is the initiative system.  
Has anyone come up with a good replacement?

Though I do have to admit that while having a higher init is only 
important in 
the first round of combat, it has the extra whammy of determining when you 
come off of being flat footed.

> Hello?  If you had taken you action last round, it would have been before
> those people acted as well!  In fact, you just gave a free action to anyone
> with a lower initiative than you and anyone whose initiative would be higher
> than 20 plus your modifiers.

We noticed this one right off.  It seems a redundant application of the 
holding your action mechanics.

Oh Clint - could you ease off of the html formatting?  Your 30 lines of 
email came with 110 lines of code wrapped around it.