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RE: [DL] Touched Attacks

or have a hold card and shoot.  Or run.

basically, if you aren't very nimble (d4s) don't get ito close combat with a 
critter that is (d12)

>From: "Grand Master Nilus of the Dark Angel Chapter" 
>Reply-To: deadlands@gamerz.net
>To: deadlands@gamerz.net
>Subject: RE: [DL] Touched Attacks
>Date: Tue, 07 May 2002 15:50:56 -0500
>>As an example, there is a certain Martial Arts power that doesn't do
>>but instead reduces specific trait rolls (the name escapes me)if an 
>>vigor roll unsuccesful.  The player would like to avoid the effect by
>>them off, instead of rolling his brawling skill.  I have ruled that the 
>>to beat the attack is by using his brawling or dodge as the case sees fit.
>>The posse (Erick) is having a mini-revolt.
>My question here is why doesn't he use the chips he would to buy them off,
>just to dodge.  Or instead use them on his Vigor roll to avoid the badness.
>If the Character doesn't have a descent dodge, or Fighten:Brawlin or a
>Descent Vigor, then hes sort of dug his own grave.  You've given him a few
>options(both a finesse way(dodge, with nimblness) and a Tough Guy(Vigor
>Check) way.)
>Just my thoughts
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