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Re: [DL] old stuff from the PEG site

> I remember these, but they aren't up at the website. I remember a lot of
nifty things for Deadlands from the website, all of which seems to have gone
> Did anyone save those old files? Mad Science quirks, the Black Chip, the
Arcane chip, a few adventures, rules for alcohol...
> The black chip, in particular, would be cool.
> ************************
> I have a few of these on another computer, including the Black chip (or at
least I thought I did).  I check and try and bring them here, deal?  :)

While I think I saw something on Pegs site about reprinting the good stuff
in an Epitaph some day, I too have copies of the Blackchip article, alcohol
rules, several of the early free adventures...

Just head on over to Archive.Org and look at old copies of the Peg site. It
takes some digging but thats where I found all the good stuff.

... armchair philosophers? Where are they supposed to do it? "Descarte leapt
across the ditch as the bullets buzzed past his ears like angry wasps - 'If
all I can know is the product of my own perceptions,' he thought as he
punched another Hussar in the throat, 'then all I can say with any
confidence is "I think, therefore I am." ' Turning, he grabbed the Prussian
colonel's cap and wrenched down over his ears, tossing him back into the
trench now filled with twisted corpses."  --Radical Athority (rpg.net)