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Re: [DL] Ms. Brock's behaviour (OT)

seanchai, i've seen you on 1 other list than this. i wish i could recall what it was. i think it was some ccg. you posted a couple ok ideas. then somehow a flamewar started.  you attacked everybody and also the owners of the game and list. i believe you got thrown of that list. 
looks like thats all you do on lists. complain about the owners of the games for not doing somthing you want or like and then get thrown off.. good plan.
----- Original Message -----
From: Seanchai
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 11:14 AM
Subject: RE: [DL] Ms. Brock's behaviour (OT)

>>And for the recent negative comment about the moderator, I'm very
disappointed with that remark.<<

I'm very disappointed with PEG. We're even.

>>The "hands on" moderater for this list give *tons* of time of his own
free will--he doesn't get anything from PEG--and in 5 years I haven't seen
him get out of line with anyone (or if he did swiftly apologize for it).<<

He hasn't apologized to me. Moreover, your public response to my complaints
was, much like this letter, "he's a great guy!" That, among other things,
has really turned me off this list and demonstrated PEG's true colors.


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