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Re: [DL] Lone Stars Question (Yiddish speaking Rangers)

At 01:04 PM 5/13/2002, mcellis@umich.edu wrote:
>    I recently got Lone Stars and found it to be a very good Deadlands book.

         Thank you very much!

>   That General King is the author of Lone Stars and wrote it in his 
> "Ranger Voice" is pretty cool.

         Many more thanks!

>  But why does a Texas Ranger General in 1878 speak Yiddish? He is 
> constantly talking about kicking various people in the "Tuckus". Now I 
> realize that to keep the book's language relatively clean he couldn't say 
> "Kick their ass", But he could have used Keister and kept just as clean 
> and been more in line with the common "Western Speak" of Deadlands.


         The term wandered into the book because as I wrote General King, I 
had several "voices" in my head on which I modeled his writing: "Stone 
Cold" Steve Austin, Granny, and of course, Sam Elliott. It was the latter 
that got me into trouble.
         I can quote from memory entire Sam Elliott speeches, and coupled 
with the fact that I am a *major* Coen Bros. mark, I know his lines from 
_The Big Lebowski_ best of all. Naturally, with Joel & Ethan putting words 
in Sam's mouth, the word "tuckus" is pops out a time or two.
         No doubt I should've thought about it more, but when Sam Elliott 
says it, "tuckus" just doesn't sound all that Yiddish anymore.;-)

>Unless of course He learned "Tuckus" from a Polish Rabbi traveling to Shan 
>Fan he helped out, and just liked the sound of it.

         Yeah, that's the ticket!;-)

         I'll try to do better next time, and thanks for the feedback!

Deo Vindice,
Mr. Christopher L. McGlothlin, M.Ed.

Freelance RPG Writer At-Large
Member, Academy of Adventure Gaming Arts & Design
Moderator of the New Gamers Order Listserver
Southern by the Grace of God