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Re: [DL] Help with the Harrowed

Playing with an unknown Harrowed character for the first game can be
a little daunting.

  First, you have to figure out HOW the character "died" and "came back".
For example: The character was playing poker some time ago and was
caught cheating.  He remembers a fight/shoot out ensued.  The only thing
he remembers after that is laying face down in the desert, aching and sore.
He doesn't see any gun shot wounds on his body.  He does, however, have
some serious bruising around his neck and wrists(which never seems to quite
(He was hung and the fall didn't break his neck, he strangled to death.)

Second, HOW might the character find out they're Harrowed.  Wounds that
don't heal as normal are a give away.  Perhaps they've picked up an
Appetite.  Another sign might be occassional BlackOuts with evidence of
criminal activity.

Third, WHO's got Dominion.  After determing the Manitou's Spirit
the total Dominion points remains constant (Unless the character increases
Spirit).  For a starting Marshall, I would suggest that the Character and
start with Dominion points equal to their spirit.  During a test of wills,
the player
or mantiou gains a point of dominion from the other.
Example:  A Character has a Spirit of 4d6 and by luck of the draw, the
has a Spirit of 5d6(JH).  Both the character and Manitou have 6 Dominion
During a test of wills the character rolls 8 plus 6 dominion and the Manitou
rolls a
5 plus 6 dominion.  The character now gains a dominion point over the
 and the character has 7 Dominion & the Manitou has 5.

Fourth, WHEN the mantiou wants to play.  After spending the appropriate chip
the Mantiou must make Spirit roll of 5 + the Dominion points of the
Example:  Using the previous example the Mantiou rolls 5d6 and must make
a 12 to take control for a while.

Hope this helps.

William Eric Watson

> OK, I've started running my first Deadlands campaign, and ended up with
> something I wanted to avoid till later - a Harrowed in the posse. It
> up as a players mysterious past. I know, I could have made up a different
> mysterious past, but what better way to torment the posse.  Anyhow, does
> anyone have some ways that the character could discover that he is
> (as he's never even heard of them before)? Also, I'm still a bit hazy on
> dominion. I know the character starts out with dominion points equal to
> spirit. Does he loose dominion points during the test of wills, or is it a
> number that always increases? Thanks for the help.
> Scott
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