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Re: [DL] what would you do?

>   So, Ok, I've gone on too long and probably sound like I'm whinning way
too much.  What do you think?  Should I have left?  Should I have left a lot
earlier?  Or should have stuck it out?  I was miserable.  I asked all the
game members (and the gm!) if anything was wrong or if I had offended them.
If so, I apologized.  "No, everything is fine" is all they had to say.  So,
what do any/all of you think?  I apologize for the long email, I needed to
get this off my chest.  Plus, I would like to hear some impartial opinions.

    No offense intended, but it sounds to me like you were playing with a
bunch of jerkwads who basically decided to do everything in their power to
force you out of the group.  They couldn't work up the testicular fortitude
to tell you to your face, so they just made you as unhappy as humanly
possible.  You seem like a pretty decent fellow, you just wanted something
different out of the game than they did, so find yourself a new group and
move on.  You're better off, it doesn't sound like you were able to have
much fun anyway.