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[DL] Talisman Idea (comments received)

--- john tfs <johntfs1@yahoo.com> wrote:
> <P>Example: A Huckster decides to make his favorite
> Duster into something that will protect him from
> more than the natural elements.  He casts Talisman
> and obtains a Full House, giving him 12 pot.  He
> then casts Missed Me! at the level of One Pair
> (costs 2 pot, 10 left), Foil at Two Pair (costs 4
> more pot, 6 left) and finishes with Bodyguard at
> Three of a kind (costs the final 6 Pot).  At this
> point, assuming all went well, he spends 12 Bounty
> points and he's got himself a new coat.

This is a great idea!
The only thing I would change would probably be the
power levels of the hand ranks, or the "pot" as you
describe it. Personally, I think they need to be a
little lower.

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