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Re: [DL] LS & the supernatural (spoilers)(long)

Hey all,

         Seems to me that the "Shoot it or recruit it" is a good policy for the Texas Rangers.  Keep in mind though that the local Huckster isn't going to be shot dead for being a Huckster, he'll get a stern talking too from the Ranger and then sent on the way.  The Huckster does whatever got him noticed by the Rangers in the first place again, he gets lead poisoning to the brain if he doesn't join.
         As for the Harrowed.....they've got a demon in their noggin for cryin' out loud.  Most Harrowed are give then same chance (not talking too, though), but only once.  Remember that demon in their head?  That thing takes control (or "get uppity") they get a .40 bullet between the eyes.
         Even MS, Shootist, etc. that can be corrupted by the evil of the Hunting Ground will be shot if they get uppity.  That especially applies to bad dudes with the Texas Ranger star on their chest. And the supernatural characters (or NPCs that are Ranger "musicians") are only called out for really, really bad things:  vampire infestations, great big, nasty class Six demons coming through a gateway that needs to be killed, etc.  And if a "full band concernt" comes to town.....run like the wind.
         The Confederate Special Chaplin Corps is a military body, so everyone the Rangers call on would be below Gen. King's rank.  "You don't like working with the Harrowed? That's tough, I just gave you an order, solider."  Not following the orders of a superior officer is bad news for upstart Chaplin.