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[DL] Re: deadlands-digest.20020521-2


I have a spiffy little biography on John Ringo.  Its called _John Ringo: 
The Gunfighter Who Never Was_ and was published by Jack Burrows in 
1987.  It is a bit dated for a scholarly work, but I haven't seen much else 
around.  If you get a chance, it is a great read!  Burrows constructs a 
timeline that pretty much rules out Earp and Holladay as his killers.  And 
to make an interesting story better, you ought to read the coroner's report 
of Ringo's death.  Very interesting.


At 11:44 PM 5/21/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Date: Tue, 21 May 2002 15:41:33 -0400
>From: jayg@penn.com
>Subject: Re: [DL] Tombstone vs. Wyatt Earp
>Hmmm...  this site is pretty much consistant with everything I have seen
>on Ringo's death.  The only thing I have read contrary is the HIGHLY
>embellished Earp biography.  Anywho here is the site with Ringo's death
>report.  http://www.tombstonehistory.com/jrdeath.html
> >According to the historical section of Leadville, CO's website, there is a
> >strong possibility that Wyatt and Doc were very near Ringo when he died.
> >Whether or not this is just playing into the legend though.......
> >