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Re: [DL] Question: Increasing the Knowledge Trait

bobby, think of it this way..the characters points are all the knowledge and
experience of that fictiona; characters 'life' before the player started to
run it.

if all of a sudden, u get smarter, by say, getting a college degree, would
that, all of a sudden go and change all those wrong answers on any/all tests
you took previously in school[s], would it correct all the mistakes made
during life before you got the degree?

the character creation is what the character was, before the player got
involved.. it's like reading/seeing/learning about the hero's background
while reading the story or watching the movie. something that hapened in the
movie normally won't change what happened in the characters past before the
movie. [unless of course u get into the time travel issue.. but that's
something completely different.}  :-))

----- Original Message -----
From: Bobby Chan
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2002 12:33 AM
Subject: Re: [DL] Question: Increasing the Knowledge Trait

>Nope- the K+C+S die type equation is only applicable
>when creating the character. Raising the relevant
>Trait die types later won't give you more bounty or
>skill points.

Ok. Guess I'll make it a house rule then.
As I see it, one should be allowed to get more skill
points, but one can only spend those additional points
on skills that are concentrations of the trait that
was just raised. At any rate thanks for giving me the
offical low-down.

Yup ... I'm a Chinese Canadian Cowboy.