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Re: [DL] Hey Deadlands D20er's

> Have any of you tried converting character from "Classic" to D20?  
> Heck, has anybody?  I tried one character, but since he was mostly 
> a killing machine and D20 doesn't have shootin' skills...  And 
> since I knew D20 only on a slight basis, as for assinging a 
> level...  Well, let's just say it didn't work to good.  
> Anyone, and I mean anyone, got a suggestion?  Heck, I'll even 
> through it out to Shane and see what the Grand One has to say.

Yeah I have had quite a bit of experience in converting characters 
over and like Fred said you just have to kind of fudge it. You have to 
sort of approximate the level the character should be and go from 
there using some of the conversion stuff and some basic common sense. 
There isnt a direct character translation for everything but a lot of 
the characters generally fit into one class or another in d20, or you 
could have fun making them up like I do(still trying to finish the 
martial artist). 

Marshal Kevin Stoner