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Re: [DL] RPG's and the Sexes

> I'm curious...
> 1. How many of you of the list are women?

Not me. Check the Male-box for me.

> 2. How many women does everyone out there have in their posse?

I do, and in DL, always have had. I actually used to have two, but one of
them moved to england. (I personally like to think that it _wasn't_
because of my marshaling..)

Well, that's my ongoing campaign. If I run off-shoots I have five of them
to choose from.

> 3. What character types do women players prefer?

I cannot say. They've played a lot of different characters. I'm actually
very impressed about two of them: One is a psychologist (IRL), and
frankly, I believe it shows in her playing. Her first character was a
saloon gal who made a show of leaving the posse after getting rich (an
excellent scene, getting rich was the character's ultimate goal). Other
excellent example of her chars is a rich gay rancher. Excellent. And only
one other than her or the Marshal (me) found out about his sexuality.
Sadly, she is not in our posse at the moment.,

Currently my posse's female player plays a woman blessed. Other
female-played characters are an injun, a voodoo-priestess, a gun-slinger,
a martial artist, a farmer's daughter.. 

As you can see, they've played a lot of different character types.

> 4. Any women Marshals?

Nope. Not in DL.

> 5. What are the playing styles of the women out there?

Varies a lot. As with the male players. The only difference between men
and women (gaming wise) I can think of is that men tend to be more active
players than women during sessions: men are more eager to give their
input, while women are better at waiting "for their turn", so to speak.
Also, men sometimes are more active in e.g. researching scenes.

None of that, however, applies to all of my female players. One of them is
quite the opposite.

As of playing skills.. sex is definitely not the issue. The women I've
played with or marshaled for have had very various gaming skills ranging
from utmost horrible to excellent. 

(With gaming skills I do not mean knowing the rules or anything like that,
but instead how well their role-playing is good, how their playing brings
out the character they're playing.)
> Of the 20 some people I have marshaled I have had 6 woman players. They
> all get very attached to their characters and take it personally if their
> character even takes wind damage. 

Hmm? OK, I had one girl, who was a bit like that. It was pretty ackward at
times. But that was not the reason why I currently rate her gaming as

> a biker. The women I've played with often have homework and coloring
> books along with their character sheets and do things other than
> Deadlands during combat rounds. 

I usually discourage players to do other things than play. No matter what
the gender is.

> Posse of all men= Everything is blown up with no conclusion. (I ran a
> group of all guys through an adventure once. They managed to detremine
> the badguy, saw him in a building, and burned it down, killing the bad
> guy. Along with hostages, they hadn't learned about yet, a reward they
> hadn't learned about yet, and the spell that would lift a curse from the
> town)
> Posse of all women= no combat, lots of puzzles and mysteries solved, no
> end because no one wants to fight.

This depends on the characters here in the freezing north. And if not,
say, if the characters are not psychotic but are played psychotic, I show
no mercy.
---Hulkin' Finn