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RE: Re: [DL] WoTC review of Deadland d20....

The author complains about the artwork being recycled, except for the cover
(which he doesn't like as much as the Deadland's Players Handbook).  Why is
that an issue?  If you've never seen Deadland's before the d20 book, how
would anyone know?  (Except for whiny reviewers.  ;-)

I think this same review was discussed a couple weeks back, and someone brought up the point that the artwork wouldn't be recycled for people who haven't played Deadlands Classic before.  Yet another reason the artwork would be a non-issue.

My other "favorite" was this piece: "Some new skills have been added, all of
which seem fairly reasonable additions for the world, and all have
interesting uses. One notable exception is Tale Tellinı, which I find to be
rather useless from a playerıs perspective. Itıs interesting, flavorwise,
but skill points are probably better spent elsewhere."

This is just my personal point of view, but I kind of agree with him on this point.  My group has never had anyone in it with Tale-Tellin', but we probably don't play games where it's such a big deal.  There's not a servitor at the end of every adventure, and we've never even gotten anywhere near involved with the Reckoners.  I think we may be an anomaly amongst DL and HoE groups, though.

Maybe he should actually play the game? ;-)

That was my issue as well.  I think that a person should be able to judge the game on its own, but if you're going to review it for public consumption you should be educated on both the D20 and Classic versions.

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