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Re: [DL] Medicine

Here's some info pulled from my handy, dandy "Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in the Wild West" (ISBN 0-89-879-870-1):

"Dr. Francis A. Long in his Madison, Wisconsin practice in 1882 used these twelve remedies: bismuth, Dover's Powder, morphine, podophyllin, mercury with chalk, compound cathartic pills, bromide of potassium, tincture aconite, calomel, fluid extract of ergot, tincture belladonna and tincture hydrastis. He had a pocket case of instruments, obstetric foreceps, a fever thermometer, a pony to ride and a pair of saddlebags in which he carried his supplies."

Also according to the book, 'Dover's Powder' is a mixture of opium, ipecac and sugar of milk and is used to cause sweating or as a sedative. Calomel is mercurous chloride; used as a laxative. Of course, they also had laudanum, which is tincture of opium.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask and I'll post what I have here.

Derek D. Bass
Etheric Musings - The Science of the Sons of Ether
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