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RE: [DL] new Edge (thoughts?)

Hmmm, Harrowed as an edge? I would make it expensive. And have a limit to
the number of harrowed in a posse.

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net]On
Behalf Of Patrick Downs
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2002 3:01 PM
To: deadlands@gamerz.net
Subject: [DL] new Edge (thoughts?)

Arcane Background: Harrowed (3)
Your character died. However he has been lucky, or
unlucky, enough to have risen up from the dirtnap
which he recently entered. Your character must be a
Veteran of the Weird West to take this Edge. Ask your
Marshal for all the details of being Harrowed, and
write your worst nightmare down, you're gonna need it.
Spoiler space below, for Marshal's only.













All starting Harrowed characters start with half
As the Marshal you must determine what killed the
character. For this you draw a card and work with the
player to put the death wound into her background.
Below you will sometimes be asked to determine a
location, for this siomply roll a 20-sided dice and
use the hit location chart.

ACE= Starvation
You're one lucky hombre. Your death wound isn't even
noticable. Red: The hero did indeed starve to death,
there is no visible wound. Black: The hero died of
dehydration, or starved over a period of time. His
face is wrinkled so he appears older than he actually
KING= Diseased
Your character died from some sort of illness. Death
wound is possibly noticable , but only the trained eye
will recognize it for what it is. Red: Pick a random
location, the character has some sort of black
pockmark or rash that doesn't go away. If the
character died from smallpox then this is where the
symptoms were worst, or perhaps the infection entered
the body here. Black: The character's entire body has
black or dark scarring from whatever illness took his
life. Only the head seems untouched.
QUEEN= Poisoned
You're the talk of the town for one of two reasons,
either someone murdered you, or you can't tell arsenic
from alcohol. In either case, you drank poison and
died. Red: No visible wound, but your entire body has
a pallid gray color to it. Black: There is noticable
evidence that something foreign was entered into your
bloodstream. Either your lips and eyelids are a dark
gray color, or your teeth and inner mouth look swollen
and gray. In both cases, your entire body has a gray
palor to it.
JACK= Stabbed
By sword or shiv, someone stabbed you to death. Red:
Pick a random location, there is a visible hole to the
inside of the Harrowed's body here. If the head is
picked, then her neck has been slashed. Not pretty.
Black: Pick two different locations, there is a very
visible gash leading from one to the other. Maybe a
cavalryman or a pirate slashed you open, possibly
gutting you. Either way, you bled to death, but the
very prominent wound is still there.
TEN= Shot
Congradulations! Your gunslinger has died in the most
traditional way, she was shot. Red: Pick a random
location, there is a visible bullet wound somewhere in
the body part. Black: Your enemies had gatling
pistols. Your torso and upper arms are virtually
littered with bullet holes. Its obvious evidence to
anyone who sees them that you shouldn't be standing
NINE= Hung
There's a reason why people look at you funny, you've
got a peculiar mark around your neck. Red: The hero
has a permanent ropeburn around her neck. very
noticable unless she wears a handkerchief all the
time. Black: Your hombre was unlucky enough to break
her neck when she got hung. Her head lists to one side
and it might even be noticiable that her neck bone
doesn't line up with her skull right, unless some
method is used to prop her head up normal.
EIGHT= Drowned
You must not be a good swimmer. You died by inhaling
too much water and not enough air. Red: The Harrowed's
skin is a bluish-gray color. He may have some wrinkles
around his face from being underwater as well. Black:
This Harrowed's skin is not only puckered and
bluish-gray, but it's also soft and damp to the touch.
The Harrowed takes damaged as if he were one size
smaller than he actually is to reflect the already
water-damaged state of his flesh.
SEVEN= Beaten
Whether a pugilist or puny, you were beaten to death,
possibly by a mob. Red: The Harrowed's face and chest
are covered with small bruises, short crimson red
marks that will never go away. Black: Either a mob
trampled you, or several men with clubs ganged up on
you, either way your entire body is covered in
blackish-red marks that clearly indicate you were the
victim of violence. Luckily, you don't have any on
your face.
SIX= Burned
Either someone with a flamethrower didn't like you, or
you don't have enough sense to jump out of a burning
building. Your hero was burned to death. Red: Her
torso is blackened and she has scarring on her neck
that indicates she was burned. Black: Her entire torso
and face are scarred and blackened from being horribly
burned. The Harrowed is Ugly as Sin.
FIVE= Bled to Death
You were quite lucky because you bled to death, your
death wound isn't that visible. Unfortunately, your
death wound was a missing limb. Red: Pick a random
arm. The stump has open arteries and must be covered
with cloth to hide the fact that she should still be
bleeding. Black: She is missing a leg, give the
Harrowed the Lame Hindrance.
FOUR= Mauled
Bears, cougars, and wendigos do it a lot, but you were
one of the few who walked away from being mauled. Red:
A mundane creature, like a bear or cougar, mauled your
hero. He has scarring and ripped flesh in three random
locations, possibly the head (Ugly as Sin). Black: The
hero has been mauled quite badly, and probably by
something arcane and mysterious, like a wendigo, or
maybe he was chewed by a maze dragon then spit out.
Any way you slivce it, you are Ugly as Sin, you have
scarring and what's left of your flesh is ripped on
your head torso and two random limbs.
THREE= Intense Sudden Trauma
I don't have anything semi-funny for this description.
The hero suffered an intense injury over her entire
body. Red: You either fell from a cliff or were thrown
from it. Your arms and legs were broken during the
fall, consequently you walk with a severe Limp. Black:
You were hit by a train! Your entire body has
lacerations not only in its flesh, but also the skin.
You are not only Ugly as Sin, but you also walk with a
DUECE= Blown Up
Dynamite is not your forte, but you might be good at
catching it... right before it explodes. Red: Your
body is burnt and scarred. You are Ugly as Sin and you
start with a Harrowed power for free, Dead Man's Hand
at level 1. Black: Not only is your body burned and
scarred (Ugly as Sin & Dead Man's Hand at level 1),
but they couldn't find a piece of you when they put
you back together. Pick a random arm or leg, it's
JOKER= Clueless
Your character might not have any visible death wound,
but even if he does, he's completely unaware of the
fact that he is dead. He could even be a Doubting
Thomas so who knows what he believes about himself.
Marshal: Encourage the player to role-play this for
extra chips.

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