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RE: [DL] Knuckleduster Firearms Shop

Since I don’t know much about guns (having a dislike of them), I found the book interesting to describing guns and giving character to the guns, rather than the range and damage. Plus, there is a really nice section on real gunfights rather than the Hollywood gunfights. My players have all looked at the book and chosen some interesting weapons based on looks, rather than game mechanics.




-----Original Message-----
From: owner-deadlands@gamerz.net [mailto:owner-deadlands@gamerz.net] On Behalf Of Patrick Jungbluth
Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2002 11:42 AM
To: Deadlands Mailinglist
Subject: [DL] Knuckleduster Firearms Shop


Hello everybody,


while reading this mailinglist i stumbled about a mentioning of a book from knuckleduster about wild west towns. since that book did not say anything to me i was looking up the webpage and found there another book about firearms. today i found exactly that book at ebay for a reasonable price. now i wonder is that book any good. since imho the weapons in DL are rather generic so i dont know if there would be any big difference in all those weapons listet in the book.


does anyone own that book and could tell me if its worth to buy?

