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[DL] I got to play!

Finaly, my first time on the other side of the Marshals screen!

I was worried it wouldn't be that good since I'm normally the Marshal. I
know the 'secrets' and even though the other Marshal (one of my regular
players) can change things, I already have this preconcieved notion of how
things should be. But I managed to set most of those aside and he ran with
just enough still on typical typical deadlands track.

High point of the whole adventure comes when we find a lone zombie in a
train car. I'm playing a drifter/gunslinger and the other player is a
blessed monster hunter. We're both Vetrans of the West. The Zombie is just
layin' there acting like a corpse, but since there were zombies earlier we
figure it's one of them.

Me: "I found a dead one!"

Her: "Well, go poke him and see if he moves."

Me: "Me? Like hell. You're the one with the bag of stakes. Go get 'em."

She climbs in and I follow. She digs out a stake and gets ready. We toss our
Occult skill and I get a 22, she gets a 4.

Me: "I think we need to stake 'em in the head."

Her: "In the head? What kind of monster do you stake in the head? It's the

Me: "Alright. You're the expert. You stake him in the heart. I'll stake him
in the head."

We then have a minor argument about her not having a mallet to drive the
stakes in with. She runs off to find a rock and at that point the zombie
decides it's play time.

As he gets up I empty two rounds into his noggin' nearly killing him, but
not quite. He proceeds to jump on me and start tearing me up, so I try and
stake him in the face. She runs to my rescue and shoves the stake in his
chest from the back.

Me: "His head! I said stake him in the head!"

I'm still locked in mortal combat with him.

Her: "You sure? I'm pretty sure it's the heart!"

Me: "Well ya did and it ain't workin'!"

Did I mention I'm a Grim Servant of Death? Fate actually intervenes and I
manage to screw up a 5d12 shootin' roll. Since she's right behind him I roll
my D6 for innocent bystanders.. and get a 1. Crap. D20 is tossed and it's
a... 20. 3 wounds to her head. She chips 2 of them.

Her: "I can't believe... Wrong head you idiot!"

Me: "Atleast I'm tryin'! Stake him in the head already!"

He's still on me and I'm running out of chips.

Her: "I... I... I can't!"

Me: "Why not?!"

Her: "The stake is stuck!"

Me: "Well... do something!"

She proceeds to hit him in the head with the rock. It doesn't hurt him
enough. I finish him off with a pistol shot on my next card. After he falls
to the ground I empty my last 2 rounds into his face and then stick a stake
in it.

Me: "See, I told you it was stake 'em in the head."

Her: "Maybe the heart is for vampires."

We're so screwed if we ever have to fight anything tougher then a single
lone un-armed zombie. SOB ran me through 5 white chips and I still ended
with a light wound. Cost her 1 red and she still had a light.

I love this game.

Ben Rasmussen

"Going to war over religion is like arguing over who has the better
imaginary friend." Richard Jeni