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Re: [DL] Player Hero's

> of the player's 
> character came back from the dead and is now buying
> up all the fear 
> based powers.  He does make it a habit of trying to
> scare everyone in a 
> new town.  So I feel that for his activities he may
> be gaining some 
> unwanted attention.
> Any thoughts from the list?

Actually Yes. Who's got Dominion the Manitou or the
Soul? If it was the Manitou I'd think it's just a
weak-not very intelligent one. If it's the
Soul...Maybe he has had that black streak in his soul
for a while just he'd always kept it in check. And now
with that little subconcious voice in his ear is
giving him the guidence he needs to unknowingly work
for them. (maybe he was always the loner by force type
when he was a kid. Ie he liked company and friends but
nobody would want to be friends with him so he always
secretly had a desire to have respect and power. He
views the Fear that he causes as a means to that
power.) So many possibilities. As vicious as I might
try to be i'm still a softy sometimes. I'd give him
one last chance. I'd throw something that makes his
powers look like nothing. In that case the Big dog can
either scare the puppy or irrevokable turn him (time
for Star Wars comment) to the Dark Side...hence he
becomes an unplayable NPC. Though I could also see him
becoming some other form of Tortured soul.

I don't hit what I don't aim at when I'm not shooting
my Gun - Rupert

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