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[DL] First time Marshal

	I had been running the d20 version but was getting frustrated with the lack
of..."character" and I have decided to run Deadlands original recipe (I
already had a lot of the source material.) But, I was wondering if there are
any "must run" adventures and or anything that would make running the game
easier and better.
	One more thing, I was reading about Appeasement Points. It is my understand
that a shaman would (say the night before an adventure) would ask a favor,
then conduct a ritual so he would have the favor for the next day, right? I
know it says that you can't stockpile the points, but I toke that as you
can't just conduct rituals to generate "X" number of points to spend the
next day on what ever favor tickles his fancy. Am I right in this
assumption? Thanks...