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Re: [DL] Hucksters and Hexslingin'

Hexarcana is a fabulous book. It updates and expands Hucksters, Blessed,
Martial Artists, Shamans, and Voodists. Some of the rules are reprinted
from the pamphlets included in the boxed sets, but in at least one case --
the Martial Artists -- it completely overhauls the subject. In each case,
though, there are clarifications of the original splatbooks' rules under
2nd ed.

You don't "need" it per se, but it's a great book for dealing with many
arcane characters.



--- Three Fingered Jack <grithtech@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Whist I await my Copies of the Revised rules, is the
> updated rules for Hexslinging included in the revised
> rules, or do I still need to buy Hexarcana?

Dvorak rules!

Game links? Yeah, I've got game links.

Diplomacy: http://www.diplom.org/
Top Secret: http://topsecretrpg.hypermart.net/
PBW RPG's: http://www.rondaksportal.com/

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